I went in at 0600, which means I had to get up at 0430 so I could shower with antimicrobial soap, for my knee scope yesterday. I was on my way home at around 1100 with a dressing the size of a basketball around my knee, and extending from my ankle to my groin. I can't take it off until I go back to see the doctor on Dec 2. I'm not sure how the bathing thing will work, since I'm not supposed to get the dressing wet. There is a theory floating around about wrapping it in plastic, but I have my doubts that that would work. I may have to let Cathy give me sponge baths for a while. I'll bet she would be excited to do that. She pretty much waited on me hand and knee, or I mean foot, yesterday after I got home. It was a unique experience trying to sleep, too. I couldn't roll over on either side. I pretty much had to lay flat on my back, with one pillow under my head and another one under my knee. I did not sleep very well.
Hooray for Vicodin!