It has been a long time since I have posted. Shame on me. I hang my head with regret. Ok, I'm over that now. Last Friday and Saturday Cathy and I went camping with Lou and Dorothy. They had a camper, we had an old tent. We set up camp amongst the mosquitoes out past Vega reservoir Friday evening, and looked forward to Saturday when we were going to go ATVing. Lou and Dorothy brought some 10 year old kid that was a talker, and that stayed up until about 4:30 in the morning while everyone was trying to sleep. We had trouble sleeping because our air mattress kept leaking and we would wake up. The kid woke us up, the air mattress woke us up, the generator noise woke us up, and there wasn't room in the tent to move. We were glad when Saturday arrived. We spent 7 hours on the ATVs, riding around and having a great time. We got rained on, the trails got muddy so we were slinging mud all over the place. It was a blast. The picture above is to show the height of some kind of milkweed plant (I guess) I saw.

We got to drive through this stream. It was fun too. The country was really beautiful. We saw a couple of deer (except for Cathy who didn't see either one of them) and billions of mosquitoes.

This picture was taken moments before Cathy decided to drive and immediately rolled the ATV OVER! She had to make a hard left turn, and when she did, the right front tire climbed a bush while the left front tire went into a rut, and over we went. She had been driving for like 5 seconds. Luckily, we weren't hurt (Cathy found a minor bruise today) and the ATV wasn't even scratched. Everyone had gone ahead so we had to wait for them to miss us and come back because we couldn't right the machine by ourselves. We had to use a winch from another ATV to pull us over. Cathy wouldn't drive after that until we got off the trails and back on the dirt road.

These are the people we went with. Lou is the guy, Dorothy is the gal, and the annoying kid is the annoying kid. Actually he wasn't that bad. Anyway, after Friday night's crummy sleep we took the air mattress back and got a couple of cots, and a new tent that holds the whole ward if we want it to. It's 8 ft x 16 ft floor space. Love you all.