Thursday, February 28, 2008
I'm waiting for my ride...
...and chilling out at the PD. I just finished working out for 50 minutes (nothing compared to what Bruce does) and now I'm sitting at my desk munching on a can of diced tomatoes. Oops, Cathy just called and she will be here shortly. Gotta go.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
It's Lonely at the Top
I have been trying to post this picture for quite a while, and for some reason it wouldn't upload. Today it did, rather quickly in fact.
We love you Joe! Be safe. We are proud of you!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Our Mini-Vacation
We are in the middle of our February mini-vacation. We are at Joe and Ashley's home right now, after spending a couple of days at the Radisson Hotel in Salt Lake City. Joe's house is cold. Warm upstairs, but it's cold downstairs. We are sleeping on a queen sized air mattress that loses air during the night, so we wind up sagging into the middle and then we wake up and have to pump it up some more. I'm not complaining, because it's my air mattress. Who can I complain to?
So far we have had a good time. We went to Wendover, UT/NV a couple of days ago and played the slot machines, which got kinda boring fairly quickly. It was an hour and a half drive each way, with several billboards warning you not to fall asleep. We saw a couple of wrecks, so I guess some people were ignoring the billboards. Wendover, on the Utah side, doesn't have any casinos, and the Nevada side has casinos even in the gas stations. There's not much to do there if you don't gamble. It was a lot of driving for a little fun. We played penny slots mostly. Cathy won over $25 on a dollar investment with one of the machines, which was better than me. I am a loser. Overall, we broke slightly better than even, we think.
So far we have had a good time. We went to Wendover, UT/NV a couple of days ago and played the slot machines, which got kinda boring fairly quickly. It was an hour and a half drive each way, with several billboards warning you not to fall asleep. We saw a couple of wrecks, so I guess some people were ignoring the billboards. Wendover, on the Utah side, doesn't have any casinos, and the Nevada side has casinos even in the gas stations. There's not much to do there if you don't gamble. It was a lot of driving for a little fun. We played penny slots mostly. Cathy won over $25 on a dollar investment with one of the machines, which was better than me. I am a loser. Overall, we broke slightly better than even, we think.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Try, try again
I had a post all done, with a picture and everything, and when I went to post it some kind of error occurred and I lost everything. Curse you Blogspot! It was a boring post anyway.
I'm gonna post a picture and if you can guess who it is you win a prize! What's the prize, you ask? It's the feeling of weirdness you will get when you realize that the person in the picture is probably your relative (I can't guarantee it because I don't know who reads my blog).
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I Got'er Done!
I figured out the music thing! I used Imeem, whatever that is, and added a few tunes. I am all full of myself right now!
I took off the Popeye picture and added one of the Salt Lake Temple, because I don't have a good current photo of just Cathy and me.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I am a Big Loser
For the next twelve weeks I am in a "Biggest Loser" program sponsored by Mesa State. By "I" I mean Grant, since Cathy can blog now. Anyway, the first weigh-in and meeting was tonight. I start off at 219 pounds, 37.5% of which is fat. I haven't done the math, but that's somewhere around 75 pounds of unsightly fat. What a load to carry around. My goal is to get that down to a manageable 25 pounds or so of the ugly white stuff. Or is it yellow? But I digress. I don't think that there are any prizes for this program, but there will be exercise plans and food plans set up on an individual basis. Should be fun. The next meeting is next Tuesday, but I won't be there because...
...Cathy and I are going to Utah again to see Joe off for his adventure in Kuwait. He is leaving on the 20th, and we were going to go on the afternoon of the 19th (Tuesday), but the 18th is a parking holiday and there wouldn't be much for me to do at work, and it didn't make sense to be off on Monday, come in for a half a day on Tuesday, then leave for the rest of that day and be gone Wednesday, come back Thursday, and work Friday. So, we decided to Take Monday through Thursday off, so we can leave on Saturday and have six days. We are combining our anniversary trip with seeing Joe off, because I won't have any vacation time left for a while after this trip. It's a month and a half early, but so what?
Ok, I have to include a picture, if one will upload. How about one of me when I was young

and handsome? Well, young anyway.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Big Changes Coming
I told Cathy the other day that I had started a blog, and her immediate reply was "Why just you?" or something along those lines. She gently pointed out that Joe and Ashley shared a blog, and Jennifer and Erik shared one, so why was I leaving her out? My lame attempts to include her by telling her I would give her my log on info so she could post didn't seem to work. So, I will repent of my foul misdeed and change the blog title and information to include my better half. How could I have been so thoughtless in the first place! I am dirt.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
We wont support McCain
If he gets nominated, we will not "hold our noses" and vote for him. We will either not vote, or will vote for the democrat. McCain is just too old, too mean, and too self-centered to be a good president. Here's hoping Romney rallies!
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