...Cathy and I are going to Utah again to see Joe off for his adventure in Kuwait. He is leaving on the 20th, and we were going to go on the afternoon of the 19th (Tuesday), but the 18th is a parking holiday and there wouldn't be much for me to do at work, and it didn't make sense to be off on Monday, come in for a half a day on Tuesday, then leave for the rest of that day and be gone Wednesday, come back Thursday, and work Friday. So, we decided to Take Monday through Thursday off, so we can leave on Saturday and have six days. We are combining our anniversary trip with seeing Joe off, because I won't have any vacation time left for a while after this trip. It's a month and a half early, but so what?
Ok, I have to include a picture, if one will upload. How about one of me when I was young

and handsome? Well, young anyway.
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