Sunday, April 20, 2008

I rode the bicycle to work three days last week

My distance for the week was 105 miles.  Tuesday was the worst.  I had a headwind going in, then during the day the winds picked up to about 50 miles per hour, and I had to ride home in a gale.  I rode kinda slow going home.  Wednesday was bad weather, so I didn't ride.  I rode on Thursday and Friday, the first time this year back-to-back.  Going in Friday, I felt like I didn't have any energy, but I felt surprisingly strong on the ride home, and even upped the weekly average speed to 12 mph.  This week I am hoping to ride every day.  There's another cold front going through tonight but it's not supposed to bring any rain.  My ride averages a little over 15 miles one way.  

Our irrigation water is on, so I have to get the pump and sprinklers figured out.  It's about time to get the swamp cooler ready to go too.  The days are pretty long and getting warmer.  And, the garden needs work.  Grandma Haines always said that you shouldn't plant until May 10, because then you wouldn't get a freeze and lose everything, so I have a few days yet.  The joys of being a homeowner.

We have tomatoes in the Aero Garden now.  We never used the herbs, just watched them grow.  I know we will use the tomatoes.

Later, everybody.  We love you all.  KTF! 

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