Monday, May 12, 2008

The playhouse is finished!

The only thing left to do is paint it with wood sealer so it won't weather and crack due to rain and weather related stuff like that.  I have the sealer, but, naturally, it rained this afternoon so I couldn't put it on.  Now I will have to wait until it dries out.  We are looking forward to a visit from the grandkids and their parents so the kids can check it out and play in it.  I think they will have fun.  

We love you all and pray for each of you daily.  

1 comment:

Jennifer Groves said...

Love the playhouse!!! Mia, Kendall, and Ethen are super excited to get in there and play in it. I can't wait to come invade your house for a month... :) Love you and love your blog.