The picture above is the second one that I hung in City Hall today. The first one is the aspen grove photo that some of you voted on on a previous post. I didn't get to use the evergreen shot because my trusty printer decided to be not so trusty at just the wrong time and ran out of ink. I couldn't find replacement cartridges in time because, true to form, I had waited until the last minute to get things done. So, I had to browse through some of my earlier prints and found this one. I like it and I think it will work fine. So far, people like it but they also say the aspen grove shot is better. I agree, but in a pinch you gotta go with what you got.
What happened to the ones we voted on? Which one did you choose?
Check out our blog dad, you can use one of the amazing photos that we took ;). I personally think any picture of Inga would look amazing in City Hall.
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