I spent part of the day working in the garden, such as it is. I picked up some seedlings, 4 tomato and 4 pepper, but I can't plant them in the garden for a couple of weeks. I could have waited before buying them but I couldn't help myself.
The last grow box is done. It contains six Red Russian kale plants and two sweet basil plants. That is if the seeds sprouts. I tried to find kale seedlings but everybody I tried was sold out. Basil was everywhere but I had seeds to use.
The first two buckets in my rain gutter garden are done. They are planted with cabbage. Seeds again.
These are the tomato and pepper plants I bought. They will have to be brought in in the evenings for a couple of weeks, until the danger of freeze is gone. My Grandma Haines always said that May 10 was the day that you could put plants in the ground. Or in the raised beds and sub-irrigated planters in my case.
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