Monday, June 16, 2014

Time for a garden update

We just got back from a great family reunion in Marble, Colorado.  We were gone almost a week.  I asked my friend and neighbor Jack to check on the garden and water the global buckets a couple of times while we were gone, and they did just fine.

The above Grow Box has Romaine lettuce in it.  I think it's ready to be harvested and eaten.

My Kale is looking good too.    That's a basil plant in front of the kale.

This Grow Box has beets.  I haven't had a lot of luck with beets in the past, so this is looking pretty good.

 I'm pretty happy with my rain-gutter system too.  The tomatoes are growing like crazy and I've seen little green tomatoes on some of the plants.  The two peppers are growing too.

 One of my global bucket tomatoes.  It's beside my new composter.  This one seems to require more water than the other ones.  It was wilting when we got back from the reunion, but perked right up after watering.

Another global bucket tomato doing well.

And another.

 And, finally, the fourth.

This square has my new big variety strawberries in it.  There's also some volunteer lettuce, volunteer dill, and volunteer grass.  I didn't plant the grass.  I did plant the lettuce and dill last year.  There's some weeding to do in this square.

The day before we left for reunion I picked up a rhubarb plant at the Co-op.  It's looking good.

Above is my alpine strawberry patch.  I picked  a half quart of strawberries when we got back yesterday.

Corn and cabbage, growing strong.

You can't see everything in this square, but the huge plants are bee balm.  To the right of them is lemon balm, with chives in between.  On the left side are some red onions, and cucumbers in back near the trellis.

These are yellow onions.  I thought that this would be a cool planter but it's water intensive and has to be hand irrigated.  Next year I'm going to re-do it with sub-irrigation or remove it altogether.  Haven't decided yet.

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