Thursday, April 17, 2008

We had the grandkids over for the weekend

We had the grandkids over for the weekend.  They liked our back yard, and were out there a lot.  In the picture above, Ethen, Mia, and Loralei are taking turns trying out Pat's skateboard. I dug out some bike helmets so they wouldn't crack their noggins.  
Kendall didn't get to go out as much as the other kids, because she liked to try to taste everything and had to be watched like a hawk.  This picture is one of the occasions she got to go out.  When she had to stay inside, she would stand at the screen door with a sad puppy dog look on her face until someone felt some pity and took her out for a while.
Loralei and Mia, two camera hams.

By the way, their parents came along too, but that was incidental.  Mostly we were glad to see the grandkids.  Here's another one of Loralei.  They seemed to like to throw dead leaves on their Grandpa when he was outside with them, for some reason.  Maybe I look like I need some decorations on me.

1 comment:

Jennifer Groves said...

Love the pictures! They are really cute. Kendall really wants to be a part of what the big kids are doing, but she's still too little yet. It's a tough pill for her to swallow sometimes.