Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am hitting my first slump

I have been religiously tracking my calories, proteins, carbs, and weight for the entire month of January, but the last couple of days I have wanted to eat more than I am allowed. I took a couple of days off from working out too. I scraped the skin off the back of my left hand (not all of it, just a patch about an inch square) and I was told by Doc Doyle to stay out of the pool for a few days until it heals over. I have been on the stationary bike instead, but I need some variety. I can't run yet because of my knee. I am beginning to wonder if it will ever get back to normal. I still limp on it, although I consciously try not to. People at work tell me every day that I am still limping. Like I don't know myself.
Ah, well. I don't mind a couple of lazy and overindulgent days. I think it's actually good for the system. Shakes things up a little. I let myself have a free day once a week, usually on Saturday. I guess this week I will have two and they will be on Wednesday and Thursday.

By the way, Jennifer and Rebecca are trying to talk Cathy into applying for The Biggest Loser show. They almost have her convinced.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The training has begun!

One of my goals for this year is to lose 50 pounds, hopefully not by losing my head, and participate in the Highline Hustle Triathlon again, and by extension, the Black Canyon Tri in Montrose. With the knee surgery and all, I have been pretty sedentary, with a few excursions on the stationary bike in the garage as my only exercise.

Last week, though, with the holidays officially over, I began a nutrition plan. I downloaded an app onto my handy dandy IPOD Touch called Tap and Track, that takes personal information like height and weight, and lets you pick out a weight loss plan (mine is 2 pounds per week), then gives you a database to track what you eat and how many calories, grams of fat, carbs, proteins, and all that stuff you consume per day. It keeps a log, and is portable and easy. It also uses your personal info to determine how many calories per day you get. There is an exercise portion that estimates the number of calories burned for the exercise you do, and adds those calories to your allowance. So far in the first week I lost about 3 pounds.

Also, today I began swimming. I had to get up at 0600, which for me is agony and requires the self-discipline of a saint, and go to the Orchard Mesa Pool for lap swim, because it's scheduled from 0630 to 0815 M-F. Once I got there I was glad I went and got tired really fast. Showed me that I needed it.

A couple of months ago I got a $150 gift certificate from the city for 15 years of work, and I used part of it to buy a swim mask and snorkel. I have a problem swimming freestyle because I always breath in water after about a quarter of a lap, and have to change strokes. The upside of the mask and snorkel is that I can swim freestyle and breathe without any water. I tried it today and it worked great. The snorkel takes some getting used to, but with practice it will be fine. The downside is that Rebecca has promised to tease me without mercy if she sees me wearing it. She thinks the little eye cups are all that are stylish enough for someone to be seen wearing in the pool. I don't care. Last year I wore my wet suit in the pool, to get used to it before the race. She never wore hers in the pool.

When I put on the mask, I think I look like Russell Crowe when he puts on the helmet and mask in the movie. MY NAME IS GLADIATOR!