Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm confused...

I just read an article by Charles Krauthammer, one of those guys who make their living pouring their thoughts out of their brains onto paper, lamenting the recent victory of Christine O'Donnell over the RINO Mike Castle in Delaware's republican primary. His point was that now that O'Donnell has won the primary and will be the republican candidate in the general, the democrats will win. His point was that if Mike Castle had won, he would have beaten the democrat because, according to Krauthammer, Mike Castle would have been unbeatable!

Uh, I must be missing something here. If he was so unbeatable, how come he was just beaten?

Another thought -- the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Hang in there, family. The next life will be better!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Autumn balloon

Look what flew right over the top of our house a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to call it the Fall Balloon, but that has a sort of negative connotation, if you know what I mean. Cathy happened to walk outside to help Jennifer put kids in the car, and she called me out to see. Naturally, I grabbed my camera. It was close enough so you could hear the noise when the flames went on to heat the air.

Burning Korans

Here's my take on the big media explosion about the pastor dude in Florida who wanted to burn some Korans to highlight Sept 11, which was yesterday and a great day of college football.

If he owned the books then they were his property and he could do what he wanted to with them. Burn them, flush them, blow them up, give them to poor atheists, whatever. Who are we to dictate what a person can do with private property, as long as he (or maybe she) isn't breaking the law. We get too caught up in what the symbolism might be and what we think is politically correct. If it were Bibles or Books of Mormon I would feel the same way. The Lord might be a little miffed if someone burned the scriptures, but if they were his private property, he could do it if he wanted to. Or maybe she could. None of our business.