Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring is fast approaching

I went out the other day and started cleaning up my raised beds for the upcoming spring planting.

Here's one of my beds after getting out all the old dead stuff.  It's waiting for more soil.

My chive square still has chives growing.  Since they survived the winter, more power to 'em.

My lemon balm is sprouting up again too.  Those herbs are tough!

This is a photo of my strawberry patch square.  Can you find it?  There are green strawberry leaves under all that mess.  I've since cleaned it up somewhat, but I'm worried that too much cleaning would damage the plants that are waking up.  There should be lots of strawberries.  I took out the swiss chard and kale that was growing in this bed, to allow for more strawberries to take over.  This whole 4 x 4 square will be strawberries.