Sunday, March 22, 2009

Da Zoo!

Well, last weekend we were in Denver visiting the grandkids and their parents, and we went to the zoo.  Here are a couple (five actually) shots of our trip.  There are more to come later, but five is enough for one post.  As you can see, the birds were very colorful.  The chipmunk is not, and almost blends in with the ground.  We had fun.  We saw a lot more than just birds, but they had the most color.  I have a couple of elephant shots and a tapir, the birds were the coolest.  The primates were cool too, but somehow I forgot to take pictures of them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What's a trillion?

It's 4:20 in the morning and I can't sleep, which is strange because I haven't had any caffeine in a while.  Anyway, yesterday while reading I found the following little paragraph in an article called "Nobody Knows the Troubles We'll See," by Kathleen Parker.  It is interesting, and puts a graphic face on just how much a trillion dollars is.

Chris Martenson's online "Crash Course" in economics explains a trillion this way.  First, picture a million dollars as a four-inch stack of thousand-dollar bills.  A comparable billion-dollar stack is 358 feet tall.  A trillion-dollar stack of thousand-dollar bills stands 67.9 miles high.

Sorta makes you think about the debt the federal government is  piling on our heads, doesn't it?
Now I am going back to bed.