Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2011 brings prosperity, happiness, joy, trials, and an increase in love for everyone in the family. Grab paper and pen and sit down and figure out your goals for the coming year, even if they only last a month. It's a new beginning, in a way, and a chance to focus on what really matters to each of us.

We partied down at Ann's house for New Year's Eve, and everyone stayed up and hailed in the New Year. I think they did anyway. Cathy and I left at 7:30. Close enough to New Year's for us. She had some Master's work to do so we bugged out early, which is kind of a trend for us. It was a fun party, with too much great food.

Wow! I've blogged every day this year!

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