Saturday, March 5, 2011

The generations of heaven

I went to the temple in Monticello today, and while I was driving down I pondered on the plan of salvation, where we all have the chance to grow, progress, and maybe eventually become gods. I thought about Jesus, when he said that he was doing the things he had seen his father do. When you think about that, then at one time God the Father was once mortal, or half mortal, on an earth, and atoned for mankind on his planet. How did Jesus see him do that when our Heavenly Father was still mortal and didn't have any spirit children yet? One of the prophets, maybe it was Wilford Woodruff or John Taylor, said that Jesus saw what his Father did through revelation. Anyway, what got me thinking was if Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for us, then doing what his Father did must mean that Heavenly Father was also a Savior during a mortal ministry, which would mean that Heavenly Father must have a Heavenly Father. So do we have a Heavenly Grandfather, or does everyone become equal when they reach godhood? Are there generations of Gods like there are generations of humans? Dunno on that one. Maybe becoming a god is the final progression, and you just add glory and dominion after that. I am sure I won't know the answer to that in this life, but it was a lot of fun to think about. I will have to think about it some more.