Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday temple trip

I went to the Monticello Temple last Saturday. It was our ward's turn to clean the temple so I (and some other ward members) went early. We were scheduled to clean the building at 4 p.m., so I arrived at noon because I was scheduled for initiatories. I did those until the 2 p.m. endowment session. I went through that session for Cathy's brother Ronnie, so now his work is done, except for sealing to spouse. I got home at about 2030.

The best part was when we got to Moab Vern Howell, our high priest group leader, bought dinner for us. He paid for seven of us in all. Nice.

Cleaning the temple is a unique experience. You have to do it in whites. Also you can't stand on anything and only clean as high as you can reach. I guess it's a liability thing.

I had an MRI on my left knee today. Hopefully I will get some answers as to why it hurts all the time. I have been in more or less constant pain for about a month. I can live with it better if I know what is causing it.

Take care, everybody. Love ya!

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