Wednesday, September 30, 2009

That's Uncle Jesus!

Cathy and I were watching the grandkids the other day, and Kendall was sitting on my lap "reading" one of our photo albums. We would look at the pictures on the page, and I would ask her who the people were in the picture. She was getting pretty good at picking people out; "That's Uncle Joe," "That's Mommy," "That's Aunt Becca," "That's Mia," "That's Grandma." This went on for a while, until we came to a picture of Rebecca in the Stake Center with a picture of Christ on the wall behind her. I asked who Becca was, and she said, "Thats Aunt Becca." Then I thought I would test her gospel knowledge, and asked her who it was that was in the picture on the wall in the photo. She only hesitated a moment, then exclaimed confidently, "That's Uncle Jesus!"
From the mouths of babes....

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