Monday, April 7, 2008

2 quotes from a great article

I found an really good article on American today, titled Vanities of the Warmists.  It was written by Jon Caruthers on April 7, 2008, and here are a couple of hilarious quotes:

"In the grand scheme of things are we supposed to believe that we humans are actually better than Mother Nature at 'managing' the global environment?  For some reason, the enviro-nazis of the age seem to believe that Mother Nature is some kind of octogenarian Alzheimer's patient and they're the designated colostomy bag."


"The enviro-nazis are no better than the medicine man of lineage ancient during a lunar eclipse who could claim that the great night spirit was eating the moon goddess, and if only the tribal elders would hand over the virgins he'd perform his incantations and make him spit her out again."

It's worth your time to go to American Thinker and read the whole article.  It's a fun read.  Love ya, everybody!  CTR!

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