Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We should have bought a house in Palisade

We should have bought a house in Palisade, I think.

"Why?" You question me with awakened curiousity.

"Because when I ride my bicycle to work from Fruita in the morning, the wind is coming out of the east, every morning. And when I ride home after work in the afternoon, the wind has swung around and is coming out of the west. I get a headwind both ways, and the sun in my face both ways, every day," I whine.

"Oh," you say. "There's an easy solution to your problem."

"What's that," I inquire.

" Don't whine."

"Oh. Yeah."

1 comment:

Jennifer Groves said...

I hate the wind and I'm not riding a bike. Hopefully, when summer comes the wind will die down a little. At least you don't live in Wyoming.