Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello, Everybody!

I took a couple of pictures the last time Bruce, Mari, and fam came to visit.  This was at Ann's house.  Katie Rose is a very photogenic person.  Bruce, not so bad either.  Me, well, lets just say I look better on the other end of the camera.  I'd rather take the shots than be in them anyway. Tonight I seem to be having a few problems getting any other shots to upload into Blogger, so I will save them for another time.  I really like this picture anyway.

If you all will permit me to get sappy for a minute, I just want to say that family is what's most important in life, or at least very near the top.  In a world spinning slowly into the craziness of the last days, we need to keep in touch with each other and support each other.  I hope everyone is doing well, in all our families.  Travis and Rebecca, I hope your closing glitches all work out in your favor.  Joe and Ashley, hang in there.  There really is an end to what you are going through.  Erik and Jen, we hope Kendall gets healthy soon and stays that way.  Bruce and Mari, congrats on your new home.  Blessings on you all!  Cathy and I love all you guys.  


The Shawcrofts said...


We love you too, even when you're sappy. :) Thanks for the love. Talk to you soon, Ash

Jennifer Groves said...

Amen to that! Family is tops!!! (that was a cheesy 1950's statement but true) We wish love and many blessings to you Mom, Marian and Pat as well.