Saturday, October 18, 2008

I just realized something...

...every time I whip out my camera when I am around Joe and Ashley, Ashley seems to disappear.  I was looking through my photo archives and I don't have hardly any pictures of her, except for her wedding.  Does she fade into the shadows when I take out my camera, or am I too busy taking pictures of Joe and everybody else?  I love her as much as I do the rest of the fam, and she is a pretty girl, so I dunno.  I will make a concerted effort to frame her in my lens more often though, now that I realize what has been going on.  Get ready for it, Ashley!


The Shawcrofts said...

I'm pretty sure its not a coincidence. Unfortunately I think I am more like Ethen and less like Mia when it comes to having my picture taken.

The Shawcrofts said...

She believes that having her picture taken will steal her soul. My soul has already been stolen though so shoot away ;). I think it got stolen when you took a picture of me picking my nose.

Anonymous said...

So that explains why Joe is alone in the wedding picture. Makes sense once one knows Ash's supernatural powers.