Wednesday, February 24, 2010


That's my call sign for my amateur radio license. I passed my test a couple of weeks ago and last Friday I got the call sign. WooHoo! Now I can spend money on radio equipment (I already have) and talk to other amateurs over the airwaves! For what reason, I'm not sure, except that the church is setting up an emergency net for when the big one hits. Other than that, it's mostly on-air gabbing and gossip. I have only transmitted a couple of times, but a start is a start. By this time next year I will probably be up the next step to General class, from Technician, which is what I am now. Hello, World! Or maybe Hello, Grand Valley! Gotta start small.

1 comment:

The Shawcrofts said...

I'm going to get my ham license so that we can chitty chat over the air waves. and talk to each other just like in the movie frequency...except not in the past and future...only in the present.