Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Promised Land

Have you ever watched one of those "documentary" shows trying to pinpoint where the Garden of Eden was at the dawn of man's history? It's amazing to me that they are nosing all around the middle east looking for the location of the famous garden, and do it mostly because there is a river in the area named the Euphrates. This happens to be the name of one of the rivers near the Garden of Eden that is mentioned in Genesis. Trouble is, these people forget all about a little thing called The Flood, where Noah and his group of people and animals floated around for a while until the waters receded. They don't know, and most of the world doesn't know, that the Garden of Eden was located in good old Missouri, and when Adam and Eve were cast out, they moved out about 60 miles is all, and there human history began. The river named Euphrates was in North America.

No wonder the Lord calls this the "Promised Land." It was choice enough for God to place the Garden of Eden here, and for the human race to begin here. It is choice enough for the gospel to be restored here, too. We should feel grateful and inspired that we are able to live in such a choice (that word again) location, and we can snigger at the boobs who think that the Garden of Eden was in the dusty old middle east. All they have to do is listen to the modern day prophets, and they would know. Why don't they?

1 comment:

The Shawcrofts said...

maybe he made it in Missouri so that when they left Eden and entered MO they would realize that they traded innocence for crap. I think it may have had a more profound effect if it had been Kansas or Nebraska cause those states suck too. I have been to the middle east though and I am sure it wasn't there because God didn't want to punish them so much as noobs to the real world that they would just give up and die from boredom and depression. That place sucks worse than anywhere I've ever been.