Thursday, January 3, 2008

I was watching the Ironman Triathlon...

...a couple of weeks ago and was impressed by the cross section of people participating. There were the young pros, but there were also some "regular" folks, both guys and gals, participating. There were even people in their 70s. Anyway, I got inspired, and since I have been needing to lose weight and get in shape for a long time now, I called my athletic oldest son Joe and we set a goal to enter a half-triathlon sometime after he gets back from Kuwait in 2009. That gives me a little over a year to get fit and train. I have already begun, although my beginning training is small. I plan an incremental program with more workout added on after progress is made. I don't want to get injured early, because that would be a setback both physically and mentally. The body is not all that young anymore. The day will come that I can run 10 miles. Right now I can't run one.

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