Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It has been snowing all day today

It's now ten after 1 in the afternoon, and it was snowing when I got up this morning at 0615 and is still snowing now. This is highly unusual for around here. It usually snows for 30 minutes or so, or maybe most of the night, but as soon as day gets here it stops. Right now it's not stopping, and isn't supposed to stop until about 6 pm. I think it's pretty cool, but the drivers on the street don't. Pat had to take a load of tires to Utah today for his work. I tried to call him a while ago to see how he was progressing, but he didn't answer his cell phone. I am not worried, but curious as to the conditions he has encountered. I have to pick him up at 4, so I would like to know if he will be late or not.

The bad thing about the snow is that it makes parking enforcement a little more difficult. I can still do it though. My electric powered vehicle is so light that it spins and slides a little.

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