Saturday, January 19, 2008

One of these days in the future...

...Jen and Erik are probably going to want to blackmail Mia.  She will be a teen, and as such will know everything, so Mom and Dad might find it useful to be able to put her in her place by having something to hold over her head to get her to obey.  You never know.  Mia is a sweetheart but that's now.  After raising five kids through the teen years, I learned that sometimes the teen years do something to a previously normal kid and they freak out.   So, to do my part as the patriarch of the family to keep order and avoid possible future teenager problems, I am posting a few pictures of Mia as a wee girl that are really cute but also would probably be really embarrassing for a teenage girl, if they got into the wrong hands.   Maybe next time I will put some up of Ethen, but it's hard to imagine Ethen becoming brain dead as a teen.  

1 comment:

The Shawcrofts said...

uh... so what dad... you CAN imagine Mia becoming brain dead as a teen? lol hirarious.