Sunday, April 19, 2009

I figured out why life is such a challenge sometimes.

I went to the internet and learned that it is estimated (by somebody) that up to now there have been 110 billion people who have lived or are living on the earth. Since people are still being born, I SWAGed that another 10 billion would be born before "the end." That makes 120 billion. It also makes the math a little easier.

So, let's say that those 120 billion are the "hosts of heaven" mentioned in the scriptures. If one third of them rebelled and were cast down to earth, that's 40 billion on Lucifer's team that are hanging out here, with nothing better to do than bug us and tempt us and try to discourage us; all that bad stuff.

Now the population of the earth is expected to be 6.8 billion by 2010, which is next year, so I will use that number. Divide 40 by 6.8 and you get 5.88 bla bla bla. That's 5 bad guys for each one of us and some rovers who can go and help out on whoever they think needs to have an especially bad day. No wonder life is a challenge, with each one of us being ganged up on by at least five evil spirit dudes all the time, who have lots of practice and experience and are ticked off enough to want us to be as miserable as possible. And then there's the rovers who jump on the pile when the want to.

It's a good thing we have our Savior and the Holy Ghost, which makes us a pretty much unbeatable team, even though it's still 3 on 5. Or more.

Just something to think about.


Jennifer Groves said...

Wow dad! That is something to think about. Also, you're pretty good at math. :) I think that next time I'm having a bad/miserable day, I'll just think of your little philosophy and realize that I am just being ganged up on because the other side is ticked off. That will me feel a little better.

The Shawcrofts said...

Good thing we have the Savior and the Holy Ghost. We would be toast without them.